Toyota 4Runner manuals

Toyota 4Runner: Components



Door Control Transmitter(w/o Smart Key System)

REMOVAL CAUTION / NOTICE / HINT NOTICE: Take extra care when handling these precision electronic components. PROCEDURE 1. REMOVE TRANSMITTER HOUSING COVER NOTICE: Take extra care when handling ...

Other materials about Toyota 4Runner:

Data List / Active Test
DATA LIST / ACTIVE TEST 1. DATA LIST HINT: Using the Techstream to read the Data List allows the values or states of switches, sensors, actuators and other items to be read without removing any parts. This non-intrusive inspection can be very useful bec ...

Key-off Operation Function Operates even if Operating Conditions are not Satisfied
DESCRIPTION When the front doors are closed, each power window regulator motor can control its power window operation for approximately 43 seconds after the ignition switch is turned from ON to off by receiving operation permission signals ...

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