Toyota 4Runner manuals

Toyota 4Runner: Parts Location




PRECAUTION 1. PRECAUTIONS WHEN WORKING ON ELECTRIC STEERING LOCK (a) After replacing the steering lock actuator assembly (steering lock ECU), perform key ID code registration. (b) After replacing ...

System Description
SYSTEM DESCRIPTION 1. DESCRIPTION (a) The steering lock system locks or unlocks the steering by activating the steering lock bar with a motor. The steering lock ECU activates the motor based on ...

Other materials about Toyota 4Runner:

Data List / Active Test
DATA LIST / ACTIVE TEST 1. READ DATA LIST HINT: Using the Techstream to read the Data List allows the values or states of switches, sensors, actuators and other items to be read without removing any parts. This non-intrusive inspection can be very usefu ...

INSPECTION PROCEDURE 1. INSPECT MAGNET CLUTCH ASSEMBLY (a) Check the magnet clutch operation. (1) Confirm that the magnet clutch hub and magnet clutch rotor lock when the positive (+) lead of the battery is connected to terminal 3 of the magnet clutch, ...

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