Toyota 4Runner manuals

Toyota 4Runner: Parts Location



PRECAUTION 1. TIRE PRESSURE WARNING ECU EXPRESSIONS (a) The tire pressure monitor receiver assembly is referred to as the tire pressure warning ECU in this section. 2. TIRE PRESSURE WARNING SYSTE ...

System Diagram
SYSTEM DIAGRAM HINT: The tire pressure warning valve and transmitter sends information on the temperature inside the tire, ID and tire pressure. ...

Other materials about Toyota 4Runner:

On-vehicle Inspection
ON-VEHICLE INSPECTION PROCEDURE 1. INSPECT HOOD SUB-ASSEMBLY (a) Check that the clearance measurements of areas A through E are within each standard range. Standard: Area Measurement Area Measurement ...

System Description
SYSTEM DESCRIPTION 1. GENERAL (a) To assist the driver with parking the vehicle by displaying an image of the area behind the vehicle, this system has a rear television camera assembly mounted on the back door. The system displays the image on the naviga ...

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