Toyota 4Runner manuals

Toyota 4Runner: Terminals Of Ecu



(a) Disconnect the F95 clearance warning ECU assembly connector.

(b) Measure the voltage and resistance according to the value(s) in the table below.

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Wiring Color

Terminal Description


Specified Condition

F95-1 (IG) - F95-22 (E)

L - W-B

Back sonar or clearance sonar switch assembly power source signal

Ignition switch ON, back sonar or clearance sonar switch assembly on

11 to 14 V

Ignition switch ON, back sonar or clearance sonar switch assembly off

Below 1 V

F95-22 (E) - Body ground

W-B - Body ground



Below 1 Ω

(c) Reconnect the F95 clearance warning ECU assembly connector.

(d) Measure the voltage and check for pulses according to the value(s) in the table below.

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Wiring Color

Terminal Description


Specified Condition

F95-5 (SPD) - F95-22 (E)

SB - W-B

Vehicle speed signal

Ignition switch ON, back sonar or clearance sonar switch on

Alternating between 1.5 to 4.5 V

F95-7 (PL) - F95-22 (E)

L - W-B

Shift position signal

Ignition switch ON, shift lever in P

11 to 14 V

Ignition switch ON, shift lever not in P

Below 1 V

F95-9 (L4) - F95-22 (E)

B - W-B

Front ultrasonic sensor indicator signal (Front right sensor)

Clearance warning indicator for front right sensor illuminates

Below 3 V

F95-12 (E6) - F95-22 (E)

W - W-B

Front ultrasonic sensor ground (Front left sensor)


Below 1 Ω

F95-13 (S6) - F95-22 (E)

B - W-B

Front ultrasonic sensor indicator signal (Front left sensor)

Ignition switch ON, back sonar or clearance sonar switch on, sensor detects obstacle

Pulse generation (See waveform 1)

F95-15 (E4) - F95-22 (E)

LG - W-B

Rear ultrasonic sensor ground (Rear center left sensor)


Below 1 Ω

F95-16 (S4) - F95-22 (E)

L - W-B

Rear ultrasonic sensor indicator signal (Rear center left sensor)

Ignition switch ON, back sonar or clearance sonar switch on, shift lever in R

Pulse generation

(See waveform 1)

F95-17 (E1) - F95-22 (E)

R - W-B

Rear ultrasonic sensor ground (Rear right sensor)


Below 1 Ω

F95-18 (S1) - F95-22 (E)

W - W-B

Rear ultrasonic sensor indicator signal (Rear right sensor)

Ignition switch ON, back sonar or clearance sonar switch on, shift lever in R

Pulse generation

(See waveform 1)

F95-19 (CBZ) - F95-22 (E)

L - W-B

No. 1 clearance warning buzzer signal

Buzzer not sounding

Below 1 V

Sonar detecting obstacle (Buzzer sounding)

11 to 14 V

F95-20 (FF) - F95-22 (E)

P - W-B

Clearance warning buzzer signal

Buzzer sounding

Pulse generation

(See waveform 1)

F95-23 (RL) - F95-22 (E)

R - W-B

Shift position signal

Ignition switch ON, shift lever in R

11 to 14 V

Ignition switch ON, shift lever not in R

Below 1 V

F95-24 (TL) - F95-22 (E)

G - W-B

Illumination signal

Ignition switch ON, light control switch on

11 to 14 V

Ignition switch ON, light control switch off

Below 1 V

F95-26 (L5) - F95-22 (E)

P - W-B

Ultrasonic sensor (front left sensor) indicator signal

Clearance warning indicator for front left sensor illuminates

Below 3 V

F95-28 (L1) - F95-22 (E)

Y - W-B

Ultrasonic sensor (rear right sensor) indicator signal

Clearance warning indicator for rear right sensor illuminates

Below 3 V

F95-29 (L2) - F95-22 (E)

GR - W-B

Ultrasonic sensor (rear left sensor) indicator signal

Clearance warning indicator for rear left sensor illuminates

Below 3 V

F95-30 (L3) - F95-22 (E)

SB - W-B

Ultrasonic sensor (rear center right and left sensor) indicator signal

Clearance warning indicator for back sensor illuminates

Below 3 V

F95-31 (L10) - F95-22 (E)

LG - W-B

Clearance warning ECU assembly signal

Clearance warning indicator's operation indicator illuminates

Below 3 V

F95-33 (E5) - F95-22 (E)

G - W-B

Front ultrasonic sensor ground (Front right sensor)


Below 1 Ω

F95-34 (S5) - F95-22 (E)

L - W-B

Front ultrasonic sensor indicator signal (Front right sensor)

Ignition switch ON, back sonar or clearance sonar switch on, sensor detects obstacle

Pulse generation

(See waveform 1)

F95-37 (E2) - F95-22 (E)

R - W-B

Rear ultrasonic sensor ground (Rear left sensor)


Below 1 Ω

F95-38 (S2) - F95-22 (E)

G - W-B

Rear ultrasonic sensor communication signal (Rear left sensor)

Ignition switch ON, back sonar or clearance sonar switch on, shift lever in R

Pulse generation

(See waveform 1)

F95-39 (E3) - F95-22 (E)

Y - W-B

Rear ultrasonic sensor ground (Rear center right sensor)


Below 1 Ω

F95-40 (S3) - F95-22 (E)

B - W-B

Rear ultrasonic sensor communication signal (Rear center right sensor)

Ignition switch ON, back sonar or clearance sonar switch on, shift lever in R

Pulse generation

(See waveform 1)

(e) Using an oscilloscope, check waveform 1.

Measurement Condition



Terminal No. (Symbol)

F95-12 (E6) - F95-13 (S6)

F95-15 (E4) - F95-16 (S4)

F95-17 (E1) - F95-18 (S1)

F95-33 (E5) - F95-34 (S5)

F95-37 (E2) - F95-38 (S2)

F95-39 (E3) - F95-40 (S3)

Tool Setting

2 V/DIV., 0.1 msec./DIV.


Ignition switch ON, back sonar or clearance sonar switch on, shift lever in R

Text in Illustration


Ultrasonic sensor is normal


Open circuit in ultrasonic sensor

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